An 8x10 sketch of an old victorian house.

Ah yes, forgot to post a pic of my new openM box knock off! I got the box at Curry's for $15 and did the rest at home.. saved over $200 I think! :D

Here's a bit of an experiment from the other day. Trying to go for more of an overall composition with a figure in it, something I can finish indoors. Plan to mess more with this one. 8x10 oil.

A quick 6x8 jobbie from the other day. One of the U of T buildings around the corner from me. This one just 3 colours.

Here's a painting of Harbord Fish & Chips near where I live. Finally tidied up some more of the details, and am going to stick with this. This 8x16 oil on board.
Nice study! Like the long format and subdued colours! Very "Toronto" for sure!
Like your work... wondered where you had drifted off to! Good to see you back!
Good painting!
Bruce Sherman
Thanks Bruce.. many more paints to come!
Nice to see a new post Michael. Very accomplished painting, with a figure yet. Bravo!
Beautiful work.
Thanks Anita and Bill!
beautiful paintings both of them,great work overall .congratulations
Found your blog via Wm. Wray...
I'm really liking your palette/s - and there's something sublime about your use of line without actually having line.
(Made sense to me...)
Nice work.
Two stunning pieces Michael!
Great to see you post again :)
Thanks so much Patrice, Joanne, and Jennifer!!
Also, (I never thought I'd say this) thank you too Jesus!
You are lucky my name is not Mohamed haha
Geeze, very cool work coming off that easel of your Michael....nice work on your pochade box too. My pic is the fish and chips painting. Good stuff!
I like the blue house very much , it is so warm,every thing works together beautifully
Beautiful work, as always, Michael. Nice pochade, too. The problem with making your own pochade box is finding good hardware. Could you share where you got yours?
Thanks a lot Ron, Bill, and Jesus.
Bill, the box I used was just a cheapie one I bought at Curry's for $15. It was a slim clamshell design (11x14) and I just flipped the lid and put op a stronger piano hinge and I was 90% there. The aluminum side arms are just 3/4 aluminum L that you can buy at home depot. I machined the slots with a regular drill and hacksaw (this took the most time!!). The spring loaded mechanism on the front I made with a few pieces of coathanger wire and a spare block of pine (for the sliding dowel). That whole part is held in on the the back with a strip of 3/4 aluminum. For the mount to the tripod, I reinforced the base with a piece from a hockey stick and glued and screwed this to the back (see pic). This also serves as a place to mount the 3/8" camera nut drilled through on the bottom side. All the parts are just off the shelf stuff from your standard hardware store, and prob didn't total more than $15. The biggest help was getting a good look at an openMbox and reverse engineering it LOL!
cheers, Mike
The last one really looks good. Nice work. Of course the others are really nice also.
I like these two farm scenes great structure in the buildings.
The Farm animals add a sense of scale. these paintings are as calm as hindu sheep. Thats a good thing!
Thanks a lot Kirby and Steve.
Love the fish and chips painting but as always they are all great!
Is the f&c's any good there?
Hey Thanks Willy! Ya know Harbord F&C is still an ok place to grab some fish, but it ain't what it used to be back in the day!! I'd say Chippy's on Queen or Bloor is the new gold standard for F&C! How ya good man!
cheers Mike
I've JUST found your work and am over the moon to have done so! I will follow your blog with great interest, since your style is exactly what I aspire to.
With regard to this particular painting, I think it is the best of the bunch. I can't quite explain what it is that makes it my favourite - it just is!! WONDERFUL!!
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