Wednesday, January 16, 2008

5x7 study of a David Curtis painting.


Ed Terpening said...

I am not familiar with David Curtis, but this is a beautiful study. I can't believe it's so small.

Michael Pieczonka said...

Ed, Thanks. David Curtis is an English PA phenom. I highly recommend checking his stuff out.. it is full of life!


Willy Ashworth said...

Hi Mike

Thanks for visiting my blog.

Great stuff here Mike!!

You are one of the most talented people I know!!

How is my amp?

Michael Pieczonka said...

Hey Willy.. Glad ya found my blog. Long time no talk kido! I love the shhtuff on your blog... you are still a crazy cat. I miss your political incorrectness! LOL Thanks for kudos. My amp is fine :D

Ryan Evans said...

Have been a fan of David Curtis since seeing his DVD instructionals-- he has great technique and you done a great job here on this one

rob ijbema said...

i know curtis and i can see i like this study a lot!more loose more suggestions...
great job on the portraits too!
keep painting mate!

Michael Pieczonka said...

Thanks Ryan. I have those vids too. I think Curtis has 3 DVDs out now? It's humbling to watch him paint to say the least.

Michael Pieczonka said...

Hey Rob, Thanks. You're lucky living in the UK, Curtis is huge there isn't he? Must be a lot easier to get his books and DVDs. You can only get his newest book over here. I'd like to get his book "a light touch", but I think is out of print here.

Jackie Pye said...

Nice work Mike!