Friday, June 29, 2007

High Park

A PA sketch from High Park.


william wray said...

Someting really compelling about the bush. Looks like its going to come to life.

Brendy Vaughn said...

I love the orange. Did you prime your canvas orange?

Michael Pieczonka said...

Will, Thanks! I tried to keep it a bit brushy.. without letting it get to distracting.

Michael Pieczonka said...

Brendy, You are right.. the canvas was underpainted with Terra Rosa. I'm not sure how much is showing trough in the end though, I think the redish tones one there are mostly Cad red/Ult Blue/and Aliz.

Jan Verhulst said...

Beautiful paintings! Like them a lot.

Michael Pieczonka said...

thanks for stopping by Jan ;)